

Bencos becomes the first Indian Company to be a Partner Network of AWS in Cloud Computing and Analytics.


The era of digital genomics is expanding and taking the market by storm. With the latest advances in Cloud Computing, AWS has revolutionised the approach for Genomics on Cloud that makes the vast majority of omics data, scalable and secure on Cloud serv ers.

Bencos has now become the First Indian Partner Network of AWS to be on Cloud and provide sophisticated cloud management and solutions for its users.

Harnessing the power of cloud and brilliance of Twine- our proprietary analysis platform, we bring forth a revolutionary product that creates a custom interface to suit your analysis needs.

Reducing dependencies manual interventions and improving storage dependency, we are stated to release a number of different pipelines for all kinds of data. Analysing and storage of bulk data will now be easier than ever before.

Meanwhile, as the first ever Cloud Partners, the company is also stated to introduce a ‘one time credit system’ for its first time users.